Category Archives: Uncategorized

Giving up Starbucks: Not as easy as it looks

I had my last Caramel Macchiatto on Ash Wednesday. I decided to give up my beloved Starbucks hand-crafted beverages up for Lent. Oooooh, I knew it was going to be hard. I wasn’t even sure I could do it. But I was going to try. I was going to make a choice every day to sacrifice this indulgent want and replace it with longing and without. And I was going to make myself OK with that.

Easier said than done.

starbucks coffee

It was a crushing blow to lose my Mayor status on Foursquare of my Starbucks hangout. It was hard to order an herbal tea while watching the barista whip up a delicious coffee-based beverage for another patron. But I soldiered on. I told myself I had made a commitment and I was not going to waver. I was going to be steadfast and torture myself with a little bit of longing and yearning. It’s good sometimes to give up something you love so much just to see if its absence makes any noticeable difference in your life, ya know?

And now, with Easter on the horizon my Starbucks cravings are soon to be satisfied again. I’m choosing to spend these next couple of weeks thinking about what going without really means, what is a need versus a want, and how to be mindful of what I spend and put in my cup.

Have you ever tried to give something up? Was it hard? Easy? Did you succeed or fail?

Join Us for a Twitter Chat with Arthritis Society (MB Chapter) & Win!

Sex and the City Invite SM

Date:  Thursday, February 28, 2013

Time:  8 p.m. CST

Topic: Learn how the Arthritis Society (@ArthritisMB) helps Manitobans living with arthritis and how fundraisers like the SATC Gala Event support those in our community



Register your Twitter handle in the comments below, participate in our chat, and you will be registered to WIN some great prizes from London Drugs, Winnipeg’s Aveda Institute, and Bistro 7 1/4, PLUS there will also be a draw for one (1) pair of tickets to the SATC Gala event on March 14.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the prizes!

vichyinvatiSee you there and don’t forget you can also buy your SATC Gala Event tickets here:

Poetry Challenge: 365 days–Day 4

I’ve made it 4 days. It’s a miracle. More like it’s a miracle I’ve remembered to do something for myself 4 days in a row. That, dear readers, is progress.


She slipped away while I held her cool, withered and gray hand
Sun was rising in the East against the wishes of the stars
Her legacy would endure, each moment like grains of sand.
Longing for a sight of her, hearing her voice in faraway corners.

Poetry Challenge: 365 days–Day 3

She didn’t even see it coming.
The hit was just the start.
How can this be happening?
Her loyalty’s not smart.
But strength’s not what she’s lacking.
Hers is an empty, hopeless heart.
She thinks she must try harder.
This crazy dance, she knows all too well her part.
Reality a distant memory, its truths fading fast.
Sanity is on vacation. Time to bring it back.




Poetry Challenge: 365 days–Day 2

One Way Street


Beautiful. Unblemished. Like fresh driven snow.
Harsh words spoken in anger destroying innocence.
He’s seen the ugly, the hurt, and yet, he wants to love me. Needs to love me.
Humpty Dumpty.
Back together again was not to be. But we must save this love. We must.
So I will push forward while you hide.
I will beg forgiveness while you protect your wounded heart.
You will love me now because you need to. But one day,
You will love me because it is the only way our hearts can keep beating in this dimension.
I will love you forever because my love is more than the stars. We will live forever.
Please let it snow again. Beautiful, pure, white snow.

Poetry Challenge: 365 days–Day 1

Thanks to the inspiration of the one and only Schmutzie, I’ve decided to take on a challenge. I will write one poem each day of 2013. It might be long. It might be short. But I am committing to this challenge. I wonder where this will go? 😉 Perhaps you would like to join the challenge too?


First day. Hope. Wonder. Optimism.
Action. Reality from dreams?
Warm, excited, and scared. Always hopeful.
What of that reflection? Fuzzy. Past? Future?
Frame it. Define truth. Live it loud.
No one else can do it for you.